Ten magnificent churches in Vietnam - Travel blog

Ten magnificent churches in Vietnam

Ten magnificent churches in Vietnam

Thousands of churches have been built across Vietnam, a country of some 7 million Catholics. Saint Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi, Phat Diem Cathedral in Ninh Binh and Notre Dame in Ho Chi Minh City are the best known, but there are many others just as magnificent as these.

Thai Binh Cathedral (in Thai Binh province)
Thai Binh Cathedral was inaugurated in 2007 and is considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Vietnam. It is covered with a brilliant cream color, reflecting that of the alluvial soils of the countryside located on the banks of the Red and Tra Ly rivers. Its two 46 meter high towers are designed as two lighted candles and the chapel resembles a large bronze drum, with reliefs representing birds and daily activities such as hunting, gathering, etc. The monument's floor is paved with red granite, it shows the magnificent majesty of the cathedral.
Thai Binh Cathedral
Tan Dinh Cathedral (in Sai Gon)
Known as the Pink Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This Gothic, Roman and Baroque style church was built by the French from 1870 to 1877. The whole building is painted in pink. Its bell tower, 52.6 meters high, has five bells weighing around 5.5 tonnes. It is the second church in the city, just behind the Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City.
Tan Dinh Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral (Saigon)
This cathedral which was erected by the French from 1877 to 1880 is one of the essential places during your visit to Sai Gon. The cathedral is of Romanesque style mixed with Gothic style and based on the model of Notre-Dame in Paris. All of its construction materials (cement, iron and steel) were imported from France. Its exterior wall is built with red bricks made in Marseille which still retain their bright red color.

Phu Cam Cathedral (in Hue)
The history of this building began in 1682 during the reign of Nguyen. At first it was only a chapel. After numerous changes of place and architecture, the Phu Cam cathedral was rebuilt on the basis of Western classical architecture in 1898. The peculiarity of the Phu Cam cathedral is its facade with two bell towers that rise up to sky like an open Bible and which symbolizes at the same time a head of the dragon with an open mouth.
Phu Cam Cathedral
Cathedral of Christ the King (Nha Trang)
The Cathedral of Christ the King is the largest church in the city of Nha Trang, built by the French in 1933 in a neo-Gothic style. It is located on a height of the seaside town and has remarkable stained glass windows which represent saints including a majority of French and episodes from the life of Jesus.

Hung Nghia Cathedral (Nam Dinh)
The Nam Dinh province, the cradle of Vietnamese Catholicism, is home to a large concentration of Catholic churches, around 1,200 churches! Among which, the Hung Nghia Cathedral, stood out for its ostentatious architecture like a castle.
Hung Nghia Cathedral
Stone Cathedral of Phat Diem (Ninh Binh)
Built in 1891 in a style mixing the Buddhist pagoda and the Catholic church, the cathedral of Phat Diem forms, with a dozen stone and wooden monuments that surround it, an architectural ensemble unique in the world!

Kon Tum wooden church (Kon Tum)
Built entirely of precious wood in 1913 and completed in 1918, this church is the combination of Western architecture (Roman style) and decorative motifs, wooden sculptures typical of mountainous areas. Each year, for Christmas, it attracts thousands of Catholics, most of whom come from minority ethnicities.

Domaine de Marie (Da Lat)
This chapel surrounded by masonry walls - an architectural feature typical of the northern region of France - was built in the western style of the 17th century and local style of minorities. Located on Mai Anh hill, the chapel is a tourist site known for its beauty. From the chapel, visitors can admire the panorama of the romantic city of Dalat.

Saint Joseph Cathedral (Hanoi)
Built in Hanoi during the first occupation of the city by the French, this neo-Gothic cathedral is a striking example of colonial architecture. Heading west from Hoan Kiem Lake, you can see the washed-out silhouette of the cathedral in the distance. The area around the cathedral is a district frequented by young Hanoians and tourists whose streets are lined with hotels, shops and cafes.

Map of Vietnam

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Dear Ms Helen Pham
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